İn this regard the Paris MoU had developed temporary guidance for its Members Authorities during the COVİD-19 crisis. The guidance recognises that there is a need to apply flexibility under these special circumstances. Forced by the current situation, Member Authorities have implemented national measures which are affecting the region’s port State control regime.
The temporary guidance sets out parameters for the adoption of a pragmatic approach to be taken in the region. The key to this approach is the recognition that measures are being taken by flag States recognising the challenges the maritime industry is facing. Guidance for the port State control Authorities has been drafted regarding:
-İmpact of delays for surveys, inspections and audits
-Extensions of validity of the ship’s certificates
-Extended periods of service on board
-Delaying periods for personel certification (STCW’95 and MLC, 2006)
As a general principle, a pragmatic approach regarding the mentioned issues is suggested to be taken on a case-by-case basis for periods up to maximum three months. In such cases it is expected that there is active involvement of the flag State, and, if appropriate, the Recognised Organisation. This would include evidence that the ship has a plan that covers how the ship will be brought back in compliance with the requirements.
Whether an inspection takes place remains the decision of the port State. A vessel can be considered self-isolating only if there are no ship-shore interfaces.
The temporary guidance may be reviewed, as appropriate, to keep aligned with the rapidly successive developments of the COVİD-19 virus and future initiatives by relevant stakeholders.
The Paris MoU wishes to Express its solidarity with the international shipping sector and the seafarers at this difficult time.
"Fotoğraf Kaynağı:"
PARİS MoU Covid 19 salgını kapsamında armatörlerin gemilerinin sörveylerini yaptırmakta karşılaşabilecekleri güçlükler ile gemi adamlarının sertifikalarının yenilemeleri konusunda güçlük yaşayabileceklerini dikkate alarak geçici bir uygulama talimatı yayınlandı.