1. Data was reported by 28,620 ships (28,834 for 2022 and 28,171 for 2021) with a combined gross tonnage of 1,301 million gross tonnes (1,289 million gross tonnes for 2022) by 105 Administrations out of 135 possible Administrations (compared to 108 out of 135 for 2022). The total number of ships and total gross tonnage is given in terms of the number of different ships which reported data, not the number of reports in GISIS. Ships with obvious errors in the submitted data were removed from these totals.
2. By cross-referencing with data from the GISIS Ship and Company Particulars module, 28,620 ships out of a potential 35,143 ships (81.4%) (compared to 84.8% for 2022) that were estimated to fall under the scope of regulation 27 of MARPOL Annex VI*, submitted data. On the basis of gross tonnage, the reported data represents 90.5% of the ships that are estimated to fall under the scope of regulation 27 of MARPOL Annex VI (compared to 93.1% for 2022).
3. By 23 July 2024, the number of ships identified with potential errors was reduced to 229 ships (compared to 176 by 10 August 2023 for 2022). At the time of the report, these potential errors had not been modified by the concerned Administration or recognized organization. Such ships can have a relatively large impact on the aggregated data and have not been included in the annexed report for the 2023 reporting period.
4. For the 2023 reporting period, CII ratings were reported for 24,653 of the 28,620 ships (86.1%). The table below summarizes the reported operational CII ratings, while Table-4 in the annex of the IMO document attached to this paper summarizes the CII ratings for each EEDI ship type and size.
5. 93.52% of the fuel used for the 2023 reporting period (compared to 94.65% for 2022) was either Heavy Fuel Oil, Light Fuel Oil or Diesel/Gas Oil. Fuels that are not in those categories present 6.48% of the fuel used in 2023 (compared to 5.35% in 2022).
6. The majority of the reported fuel oil was consumed by the following three EEDI ship types: containerships, bulk carriers and tankers. Compared to previous years, containerships reported lower fuel consumption in 2023, while the number of containerships reporting slightly increased.
7. For the 2023 reporting period, CII ratings were reported by 24,653 out of the 28,620 reporting ships (86.1%). Table 1 below summarizes the reported operational CII ratings, while table 4 in the annex summarizes the CII ratings for each EEDI ship type and size.
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